School Counseling


考虑从事学校咨询工作? Consider Alfred University’s School Counseling program; a quality program that prepares and trains graduate students for this exciting and challenging career. School counselors hold a unique professional role in that they get to work with and help ALL students in the areas of academic achievement, personal/social development, and career development.


Campus Locations

Main Campus - Alfred, NY



Full-Time Sequence

First Year

Fall Semester

  • COUN 602 Professional & 咨询伦理基础3学分
  • 人类发展3学分
  • 辅导原则3学分
  • 多元文化咨询3学分

Spring Semester

  • 学校心理咨询基础3学分
  • 精神健康,例外 & Disability 3 credits
  • 高级咨询理论 & Practice 3 credits
  • 小组辅导3学分
  • 学校辅导实习3学分

Summer Semester

  • 家庭治疗技术3学分
  • 职业发展与生活规划3学分

Second Year

Fall Semester

  • 学校辅导实习I 6学分
  • COUN 646 Consultation & Prevention 3 credits
  • COUN 671 Research & Statistics 3 credits
  • con 626心理咨询评估3学分

Spring Semester

  • 学校辅导实习II 6学分
  • con 649循证干预学校3学分
  • con 681大学咨询与建议3学分

Part-Time Sequence

First Year

Fall Semester

  • COUN 602 Professional & 咨询伦理基础3学分
  • 人类发展3学分
  • 辅导原则3学分

Spring Semester

  • 精神健康,例外 & Disability 3 credits
  • 高级咨询理论 & Practice 3 credits
  • 小组辅导3学分

Summer Semester

  • 家庭治疗技术3学分
  • 职业发展与生活规划3学分

Second Year

Fall Semester

  • con 626心理咨询评估3学分
  • 多元文化咨询3学分
  • COUN 671 Research & Statistics 3 credits

Spring Semester

  • 学校心理咨询基础3学分
  • 学校辅导实习3学分
  • con 681大学咨询与建议3学分

Third Year

Fall Semester

  • 学校辅导实习I 6学分
  • COUN 646 Consultation & Prevention 3 credits

Spring Semester

  • 学校辅导实习II 6学分
  • con 649循证干预学校3学分

Program Total: 60 credits

学校辅导项目的学生 will complete 100 total hours (40 of which are direct service hours) in Practicum in School Counseling, at a selected school working with students under the supervision of a permanently certified school counselor. During 学校心理咨询实习 and 学校心理咨询实习, students continue at a selected school working with students under the supervision of a permanently certified school counselor. 至少有两个学期的实习经历, students must accumulate at least 600 total hours and 240 direct service hours.

Mental Health Counseling and School Counseling 2020 Student Handbook


要申请,学生应该选择 AU Campus MSEd Counseling 作为他们在研究生申请表上的学位课程. Students do not have to choose their counseling specialty (School Counseling or Mental Health Counseling) until the second semester, 因为这是专业课程开始的时候.

Students should submit the following to the Graduate Admissions Office:

  • 填妥的申请表格及费用;
  • 推荐信三封;
  • 所有本科和研究生课程的正式成绩单;
  • GRE普通考试成绩 如果本科GPA低于3分.0 on a 4.0 scale
  • 一份关于你的项目兴趣的简短个人陈述.

In addition, 因为它的成熟度很高, sensitivity, 独立性和灵活性在程序中是必要的, 需要进行校内面试. You'll be contacted for an interview once all application materials have been received.

Apply Today!

Financial Support

There are three types of assistantships that all full-time graduate students may choose to acquire: 1) General graduate assistantships; 2) Enhanced graduate assistantships; 3) Athletic graduate assistantships.

All 进入学校心理学研究生课程的全日制学生, Counseling, 学院学生发展与教育获a general graduate assistantship -没有申请这种类型的助学金. The award provides a $3,000 reduction in tuition and requires the student to work 5 hours per week for a professor or university division. Students are responsible to the faculty or staff member to whom they are assigned.

全日制学生可以选择申请一个 提高研究生助学金 通过学生体验部, as a Residence Hall Director, Weekend Supervisor or Assistant Coordinator of Leadership Programming. 作为交换,我每周工作20小时, this assistantship covers 50% of tuition costs and provides the graduate student with a stipend of $3,000 to $5,000, 这取决于具体的助教资格. Some enhanced assistantships provide a furnished on-campus apartment and full meal plan when the University is in session. 欲了解更多信息,请联系住宿生活主管, 学生参与中心和/或贾德森领导中心.

对兼职课程感兴趣的学生可以申请一个 体育研究生助学金, which fully covers a maximum of 18 credits of tuition per academic year (see the part-time sequence) and provides a stipend in exchange for working 20 hours per week as an assistant coach, athletic trainer, or facilities manager. 欲了解更多信息,请联系助理副总裁田径 & Recreation.

Additional financial support may be available through grants and other external sources obtained through the Lea R. 鲍威尔儿童和家庭研究所. The Financial Aid Office assists graduate students in obtaining additional forms of assistance whenever possible.

Alfred University’s Masters of Science degree and Certificate of Advanced Study (MSEd/CAS) in School Counseling comprises 60 credit hours of coursework and supervised practicum and internship experiences. As a CACREP accredited program, Alfred’s coursework addresses the eight common core curricular experiences as well as several specialization areas including:

  • 学校心理咨询的基础
  • 例外、心理健康和残疾
  • 基于证据的学校干预措施
  • Consultation and prevention
  • 大学咨询和建议

实习和实习课程, 在三个学期的训练中发生了什么, provide students with over 700 hours of applied experiences in area elementary, 初中和高中设置.

Alfred University’s school counseling program is registered with New York State’s Education Department. 项目完成后, students receive their provisional certification as a K-12 School Counselor, making them eligible for employment as school counselors immediately. 因为阿尔弗雷德的课程是60学分, students will have also completed all of the educational requirements for permanent certification in New York, needing only the two years of post-degree experience to gain permanent certification. And given our program’s CACREP accreditation and New York reciprocity, graduates have easily been hired for school counseling positions in other states throughout the country.

School counseling is listed among the top ten social service careers and, 根据美国劳工部的数据, 到2026年,学校咨询工作预计将增长13%.

Since 2014, Alfred University's School Counseling graduates have a job completion rate of 95%. In addition, our graduate students boast a 96% exam pass rate for both the National Counselor Exam (NCE) and the Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Exam (CPCE), 两门考试成绩都超过全国平均水平.


  • Al Behrman Elementary & 西部幼儿园中心,巴拉博,WI
  • 亚历山大中央学区,亚历山大,纽约
  • 纽约州阿克波特阿克波特中央学区
  • 伯纳比小学,斯宾塞波特,纽约州
  • 百老汇小学,埃尔米拉市学区,埃尔米拉,纽约
  • 俄亥俄州哥伦布市七叶树牧场
  • canissteo - greenwood中央学区,纽约州canissteo
  • Carder Elementary, Corning, NY
  • 克里斯托雷伊里士满高中,弗吉尼亚州里士满
  • 丹斯维尔中央学区,丹斯维尔,纽约
  • 埃尔米拉市学区,埃尔米拉,纽约
  • 厄尼戴维斯学院,埃尔米拉,纽约州
  • Erwin Valley, Corning-Painted Post Area Schools, Corning-Painted Post, NY
  • Frederick Carter, Corning-Painted Post Area Schools, Corning-Painted Post, NY
  • 弗雷德里克县公立学校,弗雷德里克,马里兰州
  • 希尔赛德儿童中心,古巴,纽约
  • 纽约霍内尔市学区
  • 纽约州伊萨卡市伊萨卡市学区
  • LeRoy中央学区,LeRoy, NY
  • 莱奇沃斯中央学区,盖恩斯维尔,纽约州
  • 利沃尼亚中央学区,利沃尼亚,纽约
  • 麦迪逊县公立学校,麦迪逊,弗吉尼亚州
  • 邻里中心,尤蒂卡,纽约
  • 纽约州斯克内克塔迪市奥奈达中学
  • Pine City Elementary School, 埃尔米拉市学区,埃尔米拉,纽约
  • 华沙中央学区,华沙,纽约
  • 沃特金斯格伦中央学区,沃特金斯格伦,纽约
All Graduate Programs